Tuesday, 20 November 2012

DIY:Detachable Peplum

Hi lovies!
How's your week going?Mine is good so far.Can't complain.Am alive and healthy.What more can I ask for? So I happened to stumble on a DIY site as I was browsing through another site and I'm telling you geniuses will never be scarce.You do not have any reason to not look stylish! Don't have money to buy or have not found that peplum skirt that you so wish was in your closet? How about you make a detachable peplum yourself?! You can wear it with more than one outfit. Imagine that!

So here's the drill:

- pattern paper & a pencil
- measuring tape
- about a yard of fabric
- some super wide elastic
- scissors
- sewing machine


Black-peplum-skirt1. Make Pattern
Start with creating your pattern for the skirt. You’ll need to know your waist measurement and the length that you want your peplum to be. You are going to need to get the radius of a circle because we’re making a pattern for a basic circle skirt. Take your waist measurement, add two inches and then divide it all by 2. This will give you the radius measurement for your inner circle.

You can draw a circle very easily by holding your measuring tape at the corner of your paper & drawing multiple points at the same distance away from that point.

2. Cut Pattern
Cut out your pattern piece. It should be a quarter circle.

3. Cut Fabric
Fold your fabric into quarters & then cut using the pattern you just created.

4. Sew Elastic
Use your waist measurement and add an inch for seam allowance to determine how long the elastic should be. Cut the elastic & then finish the edges by serging (overlocking) or zigzag stitching the ends. Then sew the ends together.

5. Finish Top
Serge or zigzag stitch the top of the peplum (the inner part of the circle). You need to do this to prevent the fabric from fraying!

6. Pin
Pin the serged edge of the fabric to the elastic. Start by pinning a single point and then pin the opposite mid-points of the circles. Then pin at the quarter-way points.

7. Sew Together
Sew the elastic waistband and fabric together with a single straight stitch. You’ll notice that the fabric is longer than the elastic, so you’ll need to stretch the elastic while you are sewing. This will cause the fabric to gather very slightly.

8. Hem 
Make a simple rolled hem at the bottom & sew with a straight stitch. Make sure to iron the fabric after & you’re done!

Now that you’ve got a peplum, what should you wear it with? Here's a few ideas.

You can make with other materials like leather and metal. Whichever your choice.

They come in kitenges too!

photos and story courtesy of www.sylandsam.com and google

Good luck in your DIYs and tell me how it goes!


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